Archive:C 1/372/19

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Archives > Archive:Probate Records > Archive:Records in The Catalogue > C 1/372/19


Richard Willeys, clerk v. Cecilie Whitney, widow: Debt for money lent, 1504-1515


1504-1515, as dated by The National Archives, probably because William Warham was Lord Chancellor from 1504-1515 and Archbishop of Canterbury from 1504-1532.


Cecilie Whitney, widow


None listed.

Related Documents

None known.


To the most ben(evol)end Fader in god William Archbysshop of Cannterbury pr____at and Channceller of all England

Shewith to yo(u)r good g(ra)ce yo(u)r contynuall Orato(u)r and Chapeleyne Richard Willeys Clerke That Where ___ Cealie Whitney Widowe about iij yeres paste borowed of yo(u)r said Orato(u)r the some of xli p(ro)miseng at the same tyme to repay yo(u)r said Orato(u)r at any tyme when she shuld be therunto required And so it is good and gracious lord that yo(u)r said Oratour hathe dyv(er)s ad many tymes required the said Cealie to make to hym payment of the said some of xli acordyng to her p(ro)mise Whiche to do the same Cailie at all tymes hathe refused and yet refuseth ayenst all right and good conscience and forasmoche as yo(u)r said Orato(u)r hathe n__ ______ makyng mencion of the p(ro)misses he is w(i)t(h)o[ut] his good remedie by the cours of the comon (law). And so is lyke utt(er)ly lose his said duety _____ yo(u) g(ra)cious fauour to hym be shewed in this behalfe. please it ther forre yo(u)r g(ra)ce in consideracion of the p(ro)misses to grannt a writ of sub pena to be directed to the said Cealie comanndeng her by the same to apere before yo(u)r g(ra)ce in the kyngs court of Channc(er)ye at a c(er)teyn day and under a c(er)teyne payne by yo(u)r [___ missing section ___] limyttes ther to annswere to the p(ro)misses. And yo(u)r said Orato(u)r shall eu(er)more pray to god for the p(re)s(ir)uacion of yo(u)r good grace longe to endure