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J W.png This WRG Member is a Descendant of the immigrant John Whitney.

My Whitney Line

Edit My Whitney Line

My name is Barry C. Whitney Jr. I have been researching my family line for 10 years now. I was fortunate to have a grandfather that had done a lot of work and had the names of ancestors. I have added the names of descendants and older ancestors to complete the tree. My family was one of the first to settle in Salisbury Vt. From the first ancestor there Daniel Whitney, (Daniel, Joseph, Jonathan, John the emigrant), 9 generations have lived there ever since. And 9 generations father to son are buried there in the West Salisbury Cemetery. I have used the group for some years now and have submitted my line before but have not joined since the new site was established. My biggest goal is to find the record of the marriage of Daniel son of Daniel and Hannah Hildreth to his wife Sarah. This is the last real big blank I have to fill. Hopefully some day it will happen.