Fifth Generation.
Chil. of Richard and Esther (Clark) Whitney.
I. Henry Whitney, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 28 Feb. 1746-7; a tanner and currier; married, 17 Jan. 1770, at Ridgefield, Ruth Scribner, born 1 Jan. 1752, new style, dau. of Uriah Scribner. They settled in Ridgebury Society, about a mile south of the church, on the same place on
[Henry Whitney signature]
which their grandson, George Van Rensselaer Hunt, was living in 1874. He died in Ridgebury, "of the prevailing fever," 14 Feb. 1813, aged 66 years. At his marriage, he was
called Henry Whitney 2d; and at his death, Captain Henry Whitney. She joined the Congregational Church, in Ridgebury, 6 May 1792, and died there, 12 Aug. 1835, aged 83 years, 7 months and 11 days. They were buried in Ridgebury Cemetery.
II. Esther Whitney, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 20 Oct. 1748; married, 29 Jan. 1771, at Ridgefield, Jeremiah Chase. They were early settlers in Paris, Oneida Co., N.Y., living near Sauquoit. The time of their settlement is not known, but in 1797, they had been there for several years. He died in Paris, and was buried there. She moved, perhaps before 1810, to Champion, Jefferson Co., N.Y., and there died, at the house of her son, Lewis Chase.
III. William Whitney, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 31 Dec. 1750; a farmer; settled in his native place, in Ridgebury Society, on a part of the homestead which was conveyed to him, 8 Ap. 1772, by his father, Richard Whitney, "for ye sum of ten pounds & for ye love and good will that I have unto my son William Whitney of said Ridgefield." He had an ear-mark for his animals recorded in Ridgefield, 17 Ap. 1772, and 18 Dec. 1773. He married in Ridgefield, 11 Aug. 1773, Sarah Bundy, who was born in Ridgefield, 13 Aug. 1754, "only dau." of John and Sarah (Nichols) Bundy.1 He sold his Ridgebury lands, 7 Feb. 1778, and 9 Ap. 1778, to his brother Henry Whitney, of Ridgefield; and removed to Lee, Mass., and settled about a mile south-west of the village of North Lee. They worshipped in the Congregational Church, at North Lee, of which, after 6 June 1792, Rev. Alvan Hyde, D.D., was pastor. In 1797, they moved to Paris, Oneida Co., N.Y., whence they removed to Ellisburgh, N.Y.; arriving there 16 Feb. 1805, and settled about a mile above, or north-east of, the present village of Ellisburgh, where they died; he, 2 June 1820; she, 28 Dec. 1828. They were buried in the Ellisburgh Cemetery, and their graves are unmarked.
1 John Bundy was married, 26 Sept. 1753, at Ridgefield, Conn., by Rev. Jonathan Ingersol, pastor of the Congregational Church, to "Sarah Nickols," who, according to the family-record of Mrs. Sarah (Whitney) Dresser, of Ellisburgh, N.Y., was "89, the 21st of February, and died the 28th, and was buried March 1st, 1818."