Archive:Groton, Massachusetts, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Groton, Massachusetts, Vital Records

Vital Records of Groton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849, Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1926-1927.


G.R.2 - Old Cemetery, Groton
N.R.20 - Boston Daily Centinel and Gazette


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John, s. William and Margaret, Jan. 30, 1717/8.
Josuah, s. William and Lydia, Nov. 1, 1714.
Lydia, d. William and Lydia, Dec. 26, 1710.
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Abigail, Oct. 27, 1741.
Lydia, d. Joseph and Abigail, Aug. 18, 1743.
Abigall, d. Curnelus and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1717.
Abigall, d. Joseph and Abigail, Aug. 16, 1740.
Amaziah, s. Abner, bap. Aug. 4, 1771.
Charles H., s. John M., carpenter, and Emma A., June 28,1848.
Elizabeth, d. William and Margret, Aug. 12, 1719.
John, s. John and Hannah, bap. June 14, 1761.
Joshua, s. Joshua, June 14, 1665.
Joshua, s. Cornelius and Sarah, Dec. 1, 1724.
Lidia, d. Cornelius and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1729.
Mary, d. Joshua, 1:5:[16]75.
Mary, d. Cornelius and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1722.
Matthias, s. Cornelies and Sarah, May 26, 1720.
Molley, d. Abner, bap. Sep. 25, 1774.
Sarah, d. Joshua, Oct. 10, 1668.
Sarah, d. Curnellus and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1715.
Sarah, d. Cornelius and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1731/2.
Sarah Jane, d. John M., carpenter, and Emma A., July 18, 1844.
Seabill, d. Timothy and Submet, Mar. 31, 1739.
Susanna, d. Cornelius and Sarah, bap. May 12, 1734.
William, s. William and Lydia, May 5, 1701.


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William and Lydia Perham of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Mar 16, [1699 or 1700].
Benja[min], Lt., of Pepperell, and Olive Farnsworth, at Pepperell, Mar. 5, 1794.*
Benjamin[Lt. int.]of Pepperell, and Anna Woods, Oct.11,1809. Int. also recorded.
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Farnesworth, Apr. 17, 1706/7.
Ephraim and Esther Woods, Dec. 18, 1744.
Henrietta, of Pepperell, and Asa S. Graves, int. Apr.10,1847.[m. recorded in Pepperell VR's]
John, Jr., of Shirley, and Hannah Sawtell, Feb. 26, 1759.
John, Jr., of Shirley, and Elizabeth Sawtell, of Shirley, Apr. 15, 1762.
Joseph and Abigail Nutting, Dec. 6, 1737.
Martha and Isaac Williams of Newton, Feb. 1, 1708/9.
Mary and Richard Briant, Apr. 16, 1789.
Mehitabel[Martha M. int.], a. 17y., b. Harvard, d. Jonathan and Mehitabel, and Phinehas L. Nutting, unm., a. 22y., farmer, s. Phinehas and Mary E., Nov.24,1846. Int.also recorded.
Rebeccah and Joseph Chamberlain, b. of Pepperell, Apr. 10, 1781.
Relief, of Lunenburg, and Asa Tarbell, int.---, 1803.
Sarah and Benja[min] Wilson, Nov. 26, 1747.
Shadrach, of North Town [Townsend] and Prudence Lawrence [wid.], 5 Jan 1731/2.
Sibble, of Pepperell, and Stephen Lunn, of New Ipswich, 14 Aug 1771.
Submit and Reuben Woods, June 11, 1740 or 1741.
Sybil and Peter Gilson, May 27, 1756.
Timothy, of Townsend, and Submit Parker, May 24, 1738, at Townsend.
William and Anna Laken[Lakin. C.R.1.], Sept.5,1803. Int. also recorded.


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Joshua, Dea., Aug. 1, 1719 [a. 83y., G.R.2].
Lydia [w. William, G.R.2], Aug. 22, 1716 [a. 42y., G.R.2].
Betsey, w. Capt. Asa, and d. Capt. Abram Child, suddenly, at Silver Creek, N.Y., a. 54y. Issue of May 7, 1836. N.R.20.
Prudence, w. Shadrach, Dec. 25, 1862, in her 68th year, G.R.2.
Shaderah, Aug. 8, 1764 in his 67th year, G.R.2.

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