User:Tdoyle/2009 4Q

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Which John is Which?


Compare these two pages: Family:Whitney, John (1784-1871) and Family:Whitney, John (1780-a1850). It seems that the sons Asahel and Ira are identical, but the parents are different. I don't know how to resolve this.

Robert - Talk to me 17:20, 20 November 2009 (CST)

Capt. David Whitney


The querant has confused two David Whitney individuals. See Family:Whitney, David (1721-1816) and Family:Whitney, David (1716-a1764). The former was son of Joseph, and died in New Canaan, CT, but married Elizabeth Hyatt. The latter married Mary Gunn.

Robert - Talk to me 07:44, 24 November 2009 (CST)

hi there

I was able to find my great-grandfather's birth and death places and dates, but was unable to find anything else- such as who his parents were, etc. I am still researching though. My great-grandfather was Norman Whitney, born May 10, 1906 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA and died June of 1979 in Apache Junction, AZ. I will update my page with this info, user ID: rwhitney22


Rana Whitney

Mary Whitney Phelps


I cannot identify her. You can try Ken Whitney and/or Larry Tracy, who are more knowledgeable than I on the Maine parts of the family.

Check out Archive:Connecticut, Vital Records, Barbour Index#M. The marriage occurred in Simsbury, but Mary was "of Buffalo", NY. Do we know any Whitney families who moved from Portland to Buffalo?

-- Robert - Talk to me 14:37, 16 December 2009 (CST)

Living Persons


I see that Al Durrell (User:Durrell) has created a page for himself. This seems to me to be a bad idea. Would you like to comment about this to him? I suppose we could move the page from Family: to Private:, but then Al couldn't view it himself. Hmmmmm.

-- Robert - Talk to me 20:33, 20 December 2009 (CST)

Maria Whitney

Hi Tim, in response to Maria Whitney born jan 5,1817: I don't think this is the Mary you believe might have married a Missouri gov. Putney Vermont vital records show her married to Marcus Howard on jan 8,1839;they then show up in census records with her brothers William,Charles,and sister Dolly(Wm Rice) for 1870 and 1880 in Aurora N.Y. I have very little information on Mary who was born Oct 15,1810.She married Charles Sherman,had 9 children,was a teacher and lived in Riceville N.Y. I guess this is not the "right " Mary either.I will keep your Mary in mind as I explore Whitneys. Thank you for all the work you do. Deb

Mary Whitney Phelps

Hi Tim, re:mary whitney phelps. I did come across an article written in 1893 that stated mary was from portland maine and married John Phelps in Portland.I reached it on heritage quest searching under her name.(not sure how to send you the page that i downloaded from there.) Deb

Mary Whitney Phelps 2

Hi again Tim,sorry,i forgot--there is also an article about her(Mary Whitney Phelps) in the Springfield(Mo.) Magazine,Jan 2006 vol 27 issue #8 which I was unable to access. Deb

William and Electa (son and daughter of Elijah Whitney)

Hi Tim. Been a while since I chatted with you. I have a question about the source of the data showing William and Electa as siblings under Elijah Whitney of Canaan, CT. Did this come from Pierce's book? I don't have access to that book so I thought I might impose on you to check that section of the book. If possible, can you email a jpg of the pages relevant to my question? I have found source data for Elija's 3 sons (Elijah, Elisha, and Joseph) but no records of William and Electa. So I am curious as to where Pierce may have obtained his information. I have found a record of an Electa Whitney marrying Alfred Brown in Norwich, VT in 1809 where my Anna Whitney lived as well as William. Now that winter has definitely settled in, I am back on the "hunt" for Anna's parents. So far Elijah is still my primary hypothesis. Thanks! Doug

re: Elijah's children

Thanks Tim for the information. I will see if I can locate descendants of Polly and William Burt to see if the bible still exists. I'll keep you posted.

Albert Bert Cunningham

Thank you for a great site. I am confident of the lineage. It was very hard for me to establish my lineage due none of the children of Albert Bert Cunningham could recall who his actual father was. Albert had been raised by Tom and Lillie (Douglas) Cunningham all his life and he just assumed their name. Uncle Bert Eldon Cunningham is the only remaining son of Albert. I did have photos of their mother marked Daisy Whitney. From family photos,, and I was able to finally piece together her real name of Daisy G Husted and some Husted relatives. I obtained Daisy's marriage record and Albert's birth record from FamilySearch. Using those records and the census reports coupled with family names I was finally able to connect Lewis's ancestry to Rufus Whitney. Mr. Pierce's book provided the basis for the rest.

I looked at you page on the DNA thing. Uncle El (Owosso, MI) and I (Gautier, MS) are the only surviving direct descendants so getting 3 samples is not possible. I could provide my own sample if that would do any good.


Joshua Whitney

According to the error list for page 24 of Pierce's Descendants of John Whitney, Joshua Whitney(8) did not marry Lydia. This puts son Joshua(51) out of wedlock or something as his father married Mary on Mar 17 1671 and he was born in 1665. Am I missing something here? Thanks Jim

PS I am really impressed with your site and can't thank you enough for all the hard labor you guys are sharing. :)


Thanks. I still have a lot of researching your site, it just has so much info, I am still overwhelmed by it, Ha. I just love this stuff. Happy Hunting, Jim

Focus on Whitney?


Check out this page: Family:Whitney, Elizabeth L. (1835-1894). Shouldn't this page be entitled "Family:Whitney, Elizabeth L. (1835-1894)", and be rewritten to make Elizabeth the main entry, and William Beck just her husband? This would be consistent with our previous practice.

If so, probably there are similar examples elsewhere, and should be similarly rewritten and renamed.

-- Robert - Talk to me 10:46, 31 December 2009 (CST)